He stays at a very beautiful hotel Villa Villoresi.
I have found some information about this hotel and…
I had to post about it:).
On the side mentioned above is written:
The Villa:In the XII century was built as a fortress for the defence of Florence, 5 miles away.
During the Renaissance was transformed into a country residence, enlarged and enriched with works of art, gardens and parks. To this period dates the Loggia, the longuest terrace in Tuscany opening onto the formal garden, with lemontrees, roses and wild orangetrees, full of light and perfumes.
The Villa is registered as a National Monument for his historical and artistic importance, still contains much of its original frescoes, decor and furnishing. Each family has left evident traces of their taste and of the fashions of their times. It came to us mainly in its Renaissance aspect. Among the various legends there is one saying that Gemma Donati, Dante Alighieri's wife, lived at the Villa during the early part of the poete exile.
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the villa was the summer residence of the Villoresi family. In the sixties, Luigi and Clarissa Villoresi decided to turn the Villa into Hotel, adapting carefully all services without altering the athmosphear, traditionally warm and welcoming, keeping intact the elegance and the charm of other times

Ah ... bellissima. Florence is near the top of my bucket list.